Minimalist Diagram of Home-Assistant Distributed

Custom Component: remote_instance

Original Component

Lukas Hetzenecker posted this component to the Home-Assistant community forums, but I felt it was lacking in a few places

Multiple Instances with Z-Wave

I started to notice my Z-Wave network was a little slow and decided to add a slave instance of Home-Assistant with another Z-Wave controller; however, I quickly discovered node-id collisions. This caused attributes from Z-Wave devices that shared the same node-id to merge and caused problems when trying to invoke services on the Z-Wave domain.

Addressing Attribute Merging

The component accepts an entity_prefix configuration value, intended to prevent entity_id collisions between instances. Expanding on this concept, when the component sends a state change event and the node_id attribute is present, I made the component prefix the node_id, this immediately rectified the issue with attribute merging. When invoking a service against the Z-Wave domain, instances that did not have the prefix of the node_id ignored the service, and the appropriate instance would recognize that it is intended to run there. The prefix is removed from the node_id attribute and the service call is propagated to the event loop as appropriate.

Home-Assistant Distributed API Routes

A HomeAssistantView allows a platform/component to register an endpoint with the Home-Assistant REST API, e.g. components that use OAuth, like Spotify or Automatic. OAuth requires a redirect URI for the component to receive the access token from the service, this means exposing all Home-Assistant distributed instances to the web that need this type of configuration. Exposing a single instance reduces the possible attack surface on your network and simplifies DNS configuration if you use it. Unfortunately, when a HomeAssistantView is registered, no event is sent to the event bus – which would allow the master instance to register a corresponding route.

Following the idea of Kubernetes Ingress and Redis Sentinel, when a remote instance registers its own API route, it notifies the proxy (master instance in this case). The master registers the endpoint in its own router, and when there is a request to the endpoint performs a fan-out search for the instance that can appropriately answer the request. Why the fan-out? Well, most endpoints are variable-path, i.e. /api/camera_proxy/{entity_id} or /api/service/{domain}/{entity}, which may apply to multiple instances. If an instance responds to the proxy request with a 200, the master instance registers an exact match proxy for it. For example, if both the security and appliance instance register routes of /api/camera_proxy/{entity_id}, and a request comes in for /api/camera_proxy/camera.front_door, the security instance can respond with HTTP 200, so from that point forward, when a request for /api/camera_proxy/camera.front_door comes in, the proxy server automatically sends it to the security instance.

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